Performance & Play
Unfortunately, we have not had enough people sign up to the Performance and Play two-week summer programme due to start on Monday 7th August.
Please do not fill out this sign up form as the programme is no longer taking place.
As part of the Tower Hamlets Council's Holiday Activity Fund, we will be running a free two week arts programme for 8-11 year olds to produce a theatre piece.
Over the course of the project we will work with participants to create a performance which explores gender stereotypes with a specific focus on 'celebrating difference'. This will be devised in collaboration with the participants and performed at Tramshed Community Hub on the last day to an audience of friends and family.
This programme will promote healthy gender representation grounded in care & authenticity, and will create a space for young people to discuss gender stereotypes, using drama to explore the impact this can have on their lives and communities. The programme will also allow participants to take advantage of a series of theatre-based opportunities, and participate in activities surrounding devising techniques, creative writing, improvisation, performance techniques and acting skills.
This project will run from Monday 7th August - Friday 18th August (weekdays only) from 9.30-3.30pm.
This will be run at the Tramshed Community Hub, Digby St, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0LS excluding Wednesdays. Wednesday sessions will be held at St.Margaret's House, 21 Old Ford Road, London, E2 9PL.
Who is this for?
This programme is free to young people who are eligible for Free School Meals. If you are interested in your child attending but are not eligible for this scheme, the programme will cost £5 per day.
How do I sign up?
If you are interested in being a part of this programme, please follow this link and complete our sign up form by Wednesday 2nd August at 5pm. A member of our team will then directly contact you to confirm your space.
If you have any question please contact Jack on jack@voiceboxcic.com, Beccy Allen on beccy@stmargaretshouse.org.uk, or Sam Bettridge on sam@stmargaretshouse.org.uk with the subject line 'HAF Enquiry'.
Thank you to Tower Hamlets Council and the Holiday Activity Fund.